EMF and Acetylcholine

Richard GAUTIER (pharmacy Dr), Louis GOUGEON (medecine Dr), Roger SANTINI (Science Dr)
www.csif-cem.org le 30/05/2003


Acetylcholine (Ach) is an implied neurotransmitter in the transmission of the signals of a cerebral cell to another. The works presented below show without ambiguity that the electromagnetic fields of the mobile communication have effects on Ach and on an enzyme key of the functioning of this neurotransmitter : Acetylcholine esterase (AchE). These modifications are recognized but sometimes could be qualified of 'physiological noise' therefore without importance. It is showed here that these variations some did superior to the one that provoke disturbances of the different phases of sleep or to the one met in the alzheimer disease, we are therefore far physiological noise !

Different works :

many works showed the effect of the CEM on intracellular Calcium and it was showed that Calcium is an important element about action of the CEM on the activity of the neurotransmitter (1), or by action on the proteines of the gap junction of the electric synapsis (2), from which action on the intercellular communications. (3)

The works of Dutta and coll. (4) have first concern the influence of the radiofrequency (RFR) modulated in amplitude on the cell flows of Calcium. They showed significant variations of these Calcium flows to the values of SAR of 0.05 and 0.005 w/kg (notion of action window ). They showed next (5) that these even measure bring in modifications of the activity of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE), there is therefore well deterioration of the cell functions.

Kunjilwar and coll. (6) equally found modifications of the AchE by application to long term of these modulated RFR.

The numerous works of Lay and coll. (7-29. summarized and recapitulated in 30) confirmed and spread these different works while showing the action of the RFR on the Acetylcholine rate, increase in 20 mn exposition to the RFR then the exposition to RFR for 45 minute diminished the activity of the Ach in various regions of the brain of the rat, in particular in the frontal cortex and the hippocampe. These different effects can be explained by mechanisms : quick action by the intermediary of action on Calcium or on the proteines ca2+-dependant of the synapsis, slower effect by action on the AchE, or on the synthesis itself after activation of the Hsp and of the MAP kinases pathway, the result being therefore function of the exposition time.

Testylier and coll. (31) showed equally influences of exposition level on one hand or exposition time on the other hand.

Lay and coll. equally showed the action of repeated expositions that translate themselves by a modification of the number of receivers to the acetylcholine this that translates non-physiological disruptions of the acetylcholine rate.

Discussion :

As early as 1998, Dr Santini (32) indicated the implication of Acetylcholine in "la régulation de l'humeur chez l'homme, l'apprentissage et la mémorisation chez l'animal." While indicating therefore the risks linked to the mobile communication and it is necessary to note that one rediscovers these disturbances in the investigations on the riverside ones of base station. As early as 1998 equally Dr Lay (30) evoked the risks of attained to the functions of memory. In the framework of the cognitive phenomena, memory, the role of Acetylcholine was confirmed (33, 34, 35 for example).

And it is therefore pertinent to wonder if the modifications of the Ach rates rediscovered in the experiences under RFR can have repercussions on the health of the persons subject to the RFR of the mobil phones or of their base station or themselves they be part of the 'physiological noise'.

Different works (36-41) showed that Ach rate is in communication with the phases of sleep (38) and that of the very weak variations of the local rate of Ach have repercussions : Ach is 30% superior during the REM phases that during other phases or during awakening (36). On the other hand an injection of glutamate increases the local Ach this that has for consequence a decrease of the latency before REM and an increase of number of REM phases per hour as early as 10% of increase of the rate loccal ach with a relation level response. (37)

The Lay works or of Testylier showed that the RFR of weak intensity could give modifications again more important and therefore well superior to the 'physiological noise'. It is necessary equally to note that the experiencies with exposition of man to the blown radiofrequencies to non thermal level showed of the attained at the level of the phases REM of sleep or latency before REM (42 and see chapter on the modifications of the eeg).

The disruptions of the neurotransmitters, of which the acetylcholine, are equally suspected to be important factors for origin of disturbances of cognition such certain dyslexies, the hyperactivity, autisme, schizophreny.

The decreases of the number of receivers at the level of the junction neuro-muscle give a muscular fatigabilité of type pseudo-myastheny (43).

In the framework of the alzheimer disease, it now is shown that one of the attained principal, without that the cause some is known, the is attained neurotrasmitters and principally Acetylcholine (44). Thus the principal medicines, symptomatical, are suppressants of AchE in order to compensate for this decrease. If it is impossible to assert today that the alone attained Ach by the RFR be able giving a neurdegenerative disease (well that that be conceivable: Ach is important for proliferation processes and of neuronal differentiation during the development. The Ach deficit can therefore to impair the adult neurogenesis -35) this mechanism could intervene on the evolution of the disease or a resistance to the treatment.

From the perspective of study of the importance of the modifications of the AchE induced by the RFR comparatively to the physiological one, it is to note that the extent of the rate modifications obtained for example by Dutta and coll. is same order that the one observed with the attained patients of the alzheimer disease (45) for which the medicines that correct these variations are effective to correct.

Of more again the modifications in the same time of the other neurotransmitters with as consequences the shown modifications of the electric activity of the brain shown by EEG (to see chapter corresponding) show the implication of the blown CEM of the mobile communication in many psychological disturbances or psychiatriques according to the exposition dose.

It there has not therefore any doubts on the existence of the effects of the RFR on the acetylcholine rate at the level of the neurones or on the reality pathologique of these modifications: disturbances of sleep, mood, muscular weakness, disturbances of memory and this to weak near doses of 0,005 w/kg (about 12,5 µW/cm2 be 6 v/m) in the exposition caseExtended.

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